Who Can Be Involved?

Any business, organization, or individual can help generate awareness of this terrible tragedy.  We have compiled a list of actionable items that can be conducted in many different areas of your life.  See below for ideas on how  you can help raise the conversation of suicide.

  • Hang #TNWontBeSilent Posters within your workplace
  • Have customers sign “TNWontBeSilent and Neither Will I" printable signs to hang on windows
  • Place a link to the #TNWontBeSilent website on your website. Logos and links are available for download on the www.TNWontBeSilent.com website.
  • Consider putting a decal on your doors if you have foot traffic in your business, letting your customers know you are an important partner in #TNWontBeSilent. Contact The Jason Foundation for these decals.
  • Print your own rack cards to hand to customers who want to know more about this mission.
  • Educate your employees by placing posters and materials throughout your office or workplace
  • Utilize televisions within waiting rooms to share information about warning signs and resources for help
  • Place a link to the #TNWontBeSilent website on your website.
  • Set up a computer station within the school lunchroom or library to encourage students to take the B1 Challenge @ b1.jasonfoundation.com
  • Share suicide prevention protocols with staff to ensure that they know the steps to take should they recognize a student who may be struggling
  • Research local resources for help that can be kept in classrooms and offices
  • Hang Posters within the schools. Always make sure to receive approval before hanging posters.
  • Have students sign “TNWontBeSilent and Neither Will I" printable signs to hang on windows
  • Hang Posters within your church or building
  • Host a B1 night for students
  • Invite adult members of your community and stream The Jason Foundation's Parent & Community Seminar
  • Have members sign “TNWontBeSilent and Neither Will I" printable signs to hang on windows
  • Place a link to the #TNWontBeSilent website on your website. Logos and links are available for download on the www.TNWontBeSilent.com website.
  • Print your own rack cards to hand to members who want to know more about this mission.
  • Utilize televisions to share information about warning signs and resources for help
  • Show your support by posting a logo and link on your website! Logos and links are available for download on the www.TNWontBeSilent.com website.
  • If you have outreach programs, consider including #TNWontBeSilent in ones that reach communities across Tennessee.
  • Contact The Jason Foundation to create social media PSAs that we can customize for your specific agency
  • Also, don’t forget your own employees and their families – make sure each one is contacted and informed about your mission with #TNWontBeSilent.
  • Offer The Jason Foundation’s First Responder Training Module to fire departments, police department, and emergency services
  • Pass/Sign a Resolution or Proclamation  declaring suicide a crisis within the state, while acknowledging that it is PREVNTABLE
  • PA Announcer Scripts Having your PA Announcer read public service announcements is an easy way to inform attendees about The Jason Foundation, suicide prevention, and resources available to them. These can be read before, after, or during the game.
  • Hang Signs and Flyers Signs, flyers, and banners are available for your use. These can be displayed within your school, around the gym or playing field, and near concessions stands.
  • Informational Booths – Display booths can be set up before your games for attendees to obtain information.
  • Collaborate with Opposing Team for Themed Night – While this may be the most demanding and time consuming of our suggestions, collaborating with an opposing team during a game has the potential for a significant impact within your school and community. An entire week or night can be devoted to suicide prevention, centered on a theme such as #TNWontBeSilent.
  • Start by visiting www.tnwontbesilent.com for ideas on how you first can become more “Aware” and “Prepared” to help prevent this tragedy of suicide in Tennessee.
  • Go to www.jasonfoundation.com and take the online training at no-cost – we suggest "Youth Suicide: A Silent Epidemic" for general knowledge about specifically youth/young adult suicide.
  • Check to see if your local schools are providing programs for their students and educators. If not, share with them information about how they can find resources and materials.
  • Ask churches or organizations in your community to jointly host a “Community Day” training about suicide prevention. The Jason Foundation, as well as other partners, can help with training materials.
  • Contact your local paper to run some of the print Public Service Announcements you can find on the #TNWontBeSilent website to help raise awareness and prevention efforts
  • Get your local Rotary, Kiwanis, PTO and PTA groups to help educate the community
  • Like and share suicide prevention information, possibly from The Jason Foundation, on your social media platforms
  • Ask your children’s school to utilize suicide prevention curriculum
  • Take the B1 Challenge @ b1.jasonfoundation.com
  • Download the "A Friend Asks” App and encourage other to do so too
  • Post warning signs and resources for help on your social media accounts 


Download Materials

Tennessee Suicide Prevention


Here you will find a poster that can be hung in your school, workplace, and various other environments.
Tennessee Suicide Prevention

Informational Packet

This informational packet will provide more information on #TNWontBeSilent and how to get involved.
Mental Health Services

Rack Card

This handout is perfect for creating awareness and can be distributed anywhere.

Scripts and Social

Sharing information on social media is an easy way that your business or organization can help raise the conversation on suicide prevention. Ideas for posts are included.


Printable stickers are a great way to raise awareness within your workplace or other avenues. Print these stickers on Avery 5160 Labels.

Printable Signs

These signs can be printed to pose with. They are wonderful way to show your support on social channels.

Linkable Buttons

Placing a button on your website that links back to the #TNWontBeSilent website is a great way to share resources to your customers and friends.